Friday, October 4, 2013

Favourites on Friday- dressing little girls

Even though I am not into princesses for my daughters, I love dressing up my little girls. I'm not a stylist by any means but I am also not one of those leave-your-kid-in-a-sleeper kind of moms- I mean, I don't like to stay in my pajamas all day so I don't see why my child should. As people are always commenting on their clothes and sense of style, I thought that this would be a great post. Here it goes: my best tips for a well dressed little girl.

I have a list of favourite stores- I love Gap, Gymboree and Jack & Janie for the quality pieces. The outlets of these stores are also great especially at end of season for next year. However, I virtually never buy anything full price. I sign up for all the emails and look for the Gap 35% off periods, wait for a big Gymboree sale or Gymbucks time and I am always looking at the sale rack in Jack & Janie. I do most of my shopping online in my spare time as it's kind of tough heading out with two kids and returns are free. I also buy some of the cheaper cute stuff at Target, Carter's and Old Navy. That way, if they're destroyed, it's not a bank breaker. I love Zulily as I've gotten great designer pieces for a fraction of the cost but you really have to look for those deals.

However, one of my secret weapons ( I guess not so secret anymore) is my aunt Geeta from NYC. She scouts the baby designer racks in Century 21 in Manhattan for some of the most beautiful pieces at great prices. My mom also buys tons of clothes for Cassia and Anjali. Although my mom and I have somewhat different tastes in play-clothes, they are always Cassia's favourites (hot pink nightie with the Disney princesses all lined up?) Because of my mom buying so many play-clothes (thanks, mama) and character emblazoned wear, I can invest my money in more quality pieces- I have two girls and I get double the wear so it's worth the investment, right? I see Darin shaking his head while reading this post.


 I invest in a couple good pieces that can last through the spring into fall. Examples include sturdy outerwear, jackets, dresses, jeans and pants. I cheap out on the shirts and skirts as their shelf life is shorter because of stains, frequent washing etc. This year I invested in a Gap denim jacket similar to this one  for Cass that she wears almost daily. Truly quality pieces like this Gymboree coat below has lasted for two kids and I expect as Anjali is so tiny, I maybe able to squeeze a third winter out of it.

Cassia, 2010


I love dresses for my girls as I think they're so girly and you can dress them up or down. I buy a dress for my girls for the summer and then layer it with leggings or tights in the winter along with either a sweater or a jacket. However, be careful of the bright summery prints in the fall. Like for example, I would layer this dress

 but not this one-- at least not for the fall. 

I also buy thin layering shirts so I can use some of their short sleeve shirts in the fall and winter.


I love to dressing them in pieces that I would wear. I also pay attention to big girl trends and then purchase these for little people.

This was last year when black and white was in. She loved this dress so much, she continued to wear it in the winter.... Try putting snow pants on with this number!

a little denim on denim- one of  this year 's trends


Apart from the grown up clothes for my girls, I also love the vintage and dainty stuff... If I won't wear it but my grandma would, I'd buy it...

My not so ugly betty... no? 



I do not only buy pink for my kids. In fact, I actively avoid buying pink for my kids as they get a lot of pink as gifts. We use the pink but we mix in other colours into the outfit. I also love to see my kids in either unexpected or bright colours like these outfits below.

And colour blocking as well

One of my favourite outfits for sweet A . Love the grey and green combo. 


 Patterns are way more forgiving than plain is. Also, when buying plain prints, avoid buying light colours and pastels... they show even the lightest stains.

She could play in mud with this dress and it won't stain....  the sweater might  though 


I love to mix and match patterns, fabrics and styles of clothes. I like to do it for myself and I'm even braver with my kids. Also, my mom buys a lot of the character stuff for my girls but with a trendy cardigan and some skinny jeans, it's a happy compromise between me and my opinionated four year old. 

Rocker ballerina anyone

A little denim with satin?


Accessories are not only for the adults. I avoid jewelry for my kids unless it's a really special occasion as Cassia loses stuff and I'm paranoid about Anjali swallowing something but we have tons of nice clips, barettes and bows.  Cloth bows and and clips are my favourite as it adds more of finish. However, I buy the cheapie plastic clips (the Goodie ones are really great) for school and daycare-- especially in the younger years as the nice bows get misplaced.  That being said, Anjali rips bows off her head pulling off strands of hair in the process. A nice hat in the summer can really add to the outfit. I am also a fan of cool sunglasses and sandals in the summer and nice pair of boots or ballet flats in the winter time.

A matching hat kind of completes the outfit, no?

Love this cloth bow


A dress this year (say a size three) can be a tunic next year for a four year old who has grown over the summer. Similarly, skinny pants this year can be leggings next year and shorts one year can be underwear covers for those little ladies who don't really sit like ladies just yet.

You can't really see it but this dress was WAY too short to be worn alone this year so I added some pants, boots and a sweater. 


Above all though, comfortable kids are happy kids so I make sure that the fabrics are soft, not itchy and the clothes fit well. 

PS... another tip that didn't make the top ones but is nonetheless important is always check to see what your child is wearing before she leaves for school, even when Daddy is doing drop off. Look what could have happened if I didn't!

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